Ev believes we need to bring about a time we all stopped giving money so much power in politics. Let's do politics from now on without all the manipulation and loose sincerity that comes with slick paid advertising, fancy public relations, and perpetual self-promotion. Let's see in this campaign if ideas can win!
Frankly, and sadly, no.
Back in 2020 we raised and spent no money for Ev's first independent campaign for Congress in the 4th District. The incumbent raised and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for the primary. Other candidates in the primary also went hustling for funds from friends and family around the nation to bankroll their campaigns. But despite the fact we raised and spent no money, we STILL garnered around 5,000 votes in the primary, just through the power of the word "Independent" next to Ev's name on the ballot -- and the substance of the innovative ideas on important issues that we stand behind on this website!
The truth is, before we can change the way politics works in the 4th District and in Washington, D.C. -- we will need to develop resources for the 2022 campaign from people interested in positive change and productive progress in the U.S. Congress. We will need help from our interested neighbors -- no matter what party you have aligned with in the past -- so we can get the word out efficiently on our independent ideas throughout Central Washington. Sad to say, but in the current poisonous political environment, a candidate's fundraising efforts are a prime motivation for media moguls and pundits to take independent candidacies seriously.
That is why, this time around we WILL be accepting donations to fund Ev's campaign for Congress in 2022. Donations that we receive will enable us to keep the information flowing on issues important to the district beginning on Day One of the next Congress in 2023.
If you believe that politics can be changed so that it serves us and not the party bosses and media moguls, join our campaign! Your $1 to $100 donation will help us keep the partisans in Washington accountable between now and the 2022 Congressional Election.
We will use the funds to access and post unbiased information covering all sides of the many key issues now before Congress. We will offer the perspectives of all sides and we will do it without spin.
We will find out who our Member of Congress is meeting, who he is taking money from, what he is promising to special interests, and how he explains his votes in the House.
We will be absolutely transparent on this website about how much money we take in -- and we will account for every penny spent in this effort to inform the District and promote independent thinking in Central Washington.
Conversations between neighbors at the grassroots is what always begins fundamental changes in the fate of nations.
If you believe that Ev Jones's independent campaign for Congress is an important opportunity for progress in Central Washington and for America, then please be willing to talk positively to your neighbors about our ideas and Ev's independent candidacy for Congress.
You can also help us by posting information about the campaign locally in places where free expression is welcomed. You can...
Flyer Templates to Print Out and Distribute in the 4th District--Because Handouts Work!
There was no TV, talk radio or Internet in the 1770s. British money and corrupt power seemed to control all communication in Colonial America. That did not stop Colonists throughout the Eastern seaboard from changing minds one pamphlet at a time. Americans got on board the "Independence train" by 1776 (and changed their future prosperity forever) by going door-to-door and handing out idea-based paper leaflets, pamphlets and flyers to their neighbors and local merchants.
So we are going to reach out to the 4th District the Old Fashioned way!
Click on a PDF File below for access to one of the "Ev Jones 2022 information flyers" that we have put together. If you want, you can which you can print and distribute these to friends and neighbors, and take some to post in other areas of your community where you have permission to freely express ideas. You don't have to use these formats if you want to support the campaign...but hopefully they can be cost-efficient and helpful.
If you do decide to create your own support materials for the Ev Jones 2022 Independent for Congress campaign, we ask that you please consider the following standards:
Click below to get to Ev's Blog posts (there are more being added every day!) to get the word out on this independent candidacy. The more social media communication we use to freely express our ideas positively, the better we can all prove that open-minded ideas from the grassroots of our communities can win against the dark money, special interests and toxic partisanship that has corrupted national politics.
Copyright © 2025 Ev Jones -- Independent for U.S. Congress - All Rights Reserved. congress@evanjones.us