An Independent Candidacy That Will Transform How Congress Works for Central Washington and America
Ev’s sole mission will be to serve as an innovative progress-maker in Washington, D.C. – working outside of the partisan scrum as a tireless coalition-builder and solution-finder. He will build upwards - not tear down.
With regular, open-access briefings and unbiased citizen-education tools, Ev will empower citizens to make clear-headed judgments on their own regarding the key issues of the day. No more tribal politics.
Ev will open up the policy making process to every citizen, get all of the key information out on the table, and make sure that data and sense – not campaign donations – drive future decision-making in the 4th District.
Ev will take a stand on key issues. But instead of grandstanding about made-up grievances and fake scandals, he will actually work in DC on smart policy & legislation that will make differences in our everyday lives.
Ev foresees a Congress that is keeping it positive every day instead of just blaming; he will be a reliable source of useful information and solutions - dedicated to service, focused progress; and far above the partisan fray.
Ev pledges to never campaign while in Office: He will do only enough fundraising to qualify for the ballot and get the word out; No Attack Ads; No Lies; No Sedition; No PAC or Lobbyist Speeches; No Closed-Door Deals.
Copyright © 2025 Ev Jones -- Independent for U.S. Congress - All Rights Reserved.