I desperately want to have representation for my community in Congress that is non-partisan, openly communicative, and progress oriented. For us to get anywhere in the Post-Covid age, our leaders must now be more constantly shrewd, prepared, capable, communicative and entrepreneurial while getting things done on Capitol Hill. And they must focus on incremental accomplishments in federal policy making that we can actually feel in our lives here at the grassroots. I am running to establish a new model for congressional service that serves us—not media pundits or party bosses; that focuses on action over words, and progress over politics; that uses the best ideas from all sources – and builds bridges between “the tribes” we’ve been separated into by the partisans and media moguls; and finally, we need representation that makes its number one mission in office to constantly give all constituents (not just donors and lobbyists) free access to solid facts and multiple perspectives on key issues that we can use to take back responsibility for making decisions on our own that enable our families and businesses opportunities to thrive.
NO! I say Be the Change You Want to See. Though many people say "you can't win if you don't play the game," NOT abiding by those counter-productive partisan tools is precisely the point of this candidacy! I believe the 4th District is ready to embrace a candidate untainted by the partisan scrum and the corrupting influence of campaign cash. I think a central idea of the post-Covid "new normal" should be that a Representative will provide more credible public service to all business and individual constituents by staying non-partisan, basing his or her work on substance and data, communicating substantively to voters using means available to all citizens. In fact I think our leaders will serve us best by preparing for and then doing the job of House representative as outlined in the U.S. Constitution instead of feverishly raising money throughout and even well after the campaign process. We're sticking to that approach.
Absolutely. How many Americans have been looking at the response of government to recent crises asking themselves these days, wait... what are we doing here? This has been especially true as we have watched the continuing back and forth of partisan blame and bickering in Washington, D.C. The recent experience of the Covid-19 disruption has many of us looking at what really matters while casting a wary eye on what really doesn't. I believe strongly that Independents can indeed form a new basis for leading America forward: Americans are going to be demanding shrewdness, capability and resilience out of the political establishment (and from our industry leaders for that matter) going forward. They are going to want to see less senseless and petty bickering by the political and commercial tribes that have rendered the nation seemingly rudderless, and increasingly at each other's throats. Many are even tired of the constant back and forth on cable news, the Internet and seemingly everywhere else in public life; it all seems to lead nowhere.
Let’s face it: There are many things that have to get done early in 2023 in Congress regardless of who is President or who holds majorities in the House and Senate. For example, if we don't act shrewdly, quickly, and with entrepreneurially open minds on key matters in the economy alone, we may not emerge intact as a nation from this latest crisis. The pressure on the political party establishments in the House to make progress is going to escalate steadily. That is why non-partisan Independents are going to be in a powerful position to drive steady achievements in legislative action and government oversight in the next Congress.
Yes. Emphatically yes. In 2022 more than ever. But, it won't be easy. For a "regular Jones" like me to begin changing the culture on Capitol Hill, it is going to require 4th District voters to come out on August 4 and in November determined to make a statement that the same old ways just aren't going to cut it any more. The way I see it, the will is there. This is indeed a golden opportunity for voters of the 4th District -- from Yakima to the Tri-Cities to Grand Coulee and Omak and clear on up to the Canadian border; we can be the catalysts in remaking American politics for years to come.
Most of all, you can support this candidacy by resolving to stop letting self-promoting partisan politicians and media news pundits tell you what you should think and do about the key issues of the day. Demand achievement-oriented leadership and a steady stream of reliable and multi-perspective information about the facts at hand from your next Member of Congress, whoever it is. Expect a new level of selfless and non-partisan public service from all of our political leaders.
The truth is, I am not actively seeking campaign donations in traditional ways. I will do no "robo-calls" or junk mail pitches scrounging for money. For this candidacy to mean anything we simply have to prove that we can create a truly progress-oriented Congressional representation for the 4th District without playing the dirty game that has so undermined the important work of the federal government at all levels.
So that means there will be no ridiculous campaign ads featuring my smiling face and some pithy but meaningless line like "The U.S. First!", "People Power" and yet includes nothing about actual policy that the candidate would stick their neck out to support. You won't see me out there trying to weasel my way into your heart by making pronouncements about my religion, my family, my glorious exploits as a farmer, candlestick maker or race car driver. ALL THAT STUFF IS IRRELEVANT and seeks only top manipulate voters' emotions instead of informing and empowering them.
We won't go the traditional route and litter roadsides with campaign signs. Although, sure, if you want to put a homemade "Ev Jones Independent 2022" sign out front or get your local print shop to print one of our "Ev Jones, Independent for Congress" yard sign templates to call attention to your ambition to change Congress and think independently, well I can't stop you and I definitely appreciate it (but please, please don't create litter your neighborhood!).
In all seriousness, you can best support this candidacy and our 4th District movement to change how Congress works for us by spreading the word actively to your neighbors, friends and families. Reach out to people of all political perspectives and hash it out logically, without rancor. Ask them to go to the partisan websites and find even one policy the candidate is courageous enough to support positively (a policy which will actually affect your neighborhood quality of life) which makes it worth voting for him or her).
Direct 4th District voters to our website., evanjones.us. Look at our "elevator speech" (you can find it on our Washington Voter's Pamphlet introductory statement that is in the "Blog" section of this website.) Or write a letter to the editor of your local paper supporting the ideas behind this candidacy, as opposed to simply promoting me personally.
That is all the support Ev Jones the candidate will ever need, other than the honor of your vote on August 4th in the Primary!
Copyright © 2025 Ev Jones -- Independent for U.S. Congress - All Rights Reserved. congress@evanjones.us