Week upon week, year upon year all we hear is partisan posturing and self-promotion in the House of Representatives. There is precious little progress on anything.
We desperately need Representatives in the House to put politics and self-promotion aside and get to work. There are many things that simply have to get done early in 2023 in Congress -- regardless of who is President or who holds majorities in the House and Senate next year, if our nation is to have any chance at thriving in the 2020s. For just one example, look at what we face in rebuilding the U.S. economy still recovering from the 2008 financial crisis and now thrust again into recession by the Covid-19 emergency: If Congress fails to act shrewdly, quickly, and with open-minds to address the many key, pressing challenges challenging the U.S. economy right now, we may not emerge intact as a nation from this current crisis.
The fate of Democracy in America is at stake thanks to the selfishness of politicians more interested in "wins" than in achieving incremental progress on issues that really affect our everyday lives here in the 4th District.
How many of you voters out there have faith that party politicians are going to quit the perpetual campaigning and self-promotion and work together to rise to these challenges?
It is increasingly clear to a lot of folks here in Central Washington and in communities across the nation that non-partisan Independents who are elected to Congress in 2022 are going to be in a powerful position to drive steady achievements in legislative action and government oversight in the make-or-break Congress that will convene in 2023. Independents might very well hold the balance of power in Congress in their hands. Imagine what we can do for the 4th District and for the future of American Democracy if we take this opportunity to send an independent voice to Washington, D.C. in the next Congress. Insatead of just sending the same old party hacks from one side or the other whose only interest is in staying in office, satisfying the needs of the party bosses and the media elite, and collecting a hefty Representative's salary.
So, the first element of our 2022 "Transform Congress Now!" strategy is simple: Get the word out on our independent approach to making progress to the 4th District and seize this golden opportunity to end partisan obstruction in Washington, D.C. by succeeding here in Central Washington in the August primary, and then winning the November general election over an opponent who will certainly be a radical party hack. Doing that -- yet again -- will get us nowhere.
Here is the way you and I can finally play a meaningful role in finally changing the tone of American politics: We start by snapping out of our party and political label hypnosis and electing a “regular Jones” to office in 2022. We can support dedicated leaders not because they label themselves one way or the other, but based on a list of the actual policies and real-life legislation that they pledge to work for on our behalf once they get to Washington, D.C. We now must demand from candidates dedicated public service, not slick politics.
And then once in Congress, together we will get to work on transforming America toward our shared future.
Copyright © 2025 Ev Jones -- Independent for U.S. Congress - All Rights Reserved. congress@evanjones.us